In May 2023, a delegation of housing leaders from the City and County of Los Angeles traveled to Vienna, Austria, as part of the Global Policy Leadership Academy’s Vienna Social Housing Field Study. The field study aimed to provide an immersive education about the history and current practices of social housing in Vienna, considered to be one of the most successful examples of affordable urban housing in the world.

The participants in the field study were leading housing policymakers and practitioners from the Los Angeles region who aimed to learn about social housing and identify solutions that could be replicated or adapted to California. This report is an effort to “capture the moment” of being in Vienna and witnessing its social housing program alongside fellow housing Los Angeles leaders. It intends to highlight ideas that resonated most with field study participants, voice their critiques, and memorialize the lessons learned so that Los Angeles housing policymakers can advance informed solutions to the housing crisis at home.
Who is this report for?
This report is aimed at Los Angeles policymakers and practitioners interested in social housing and applicable solutions for California.-
Affordable Housing Policymakers and Practitioners
Community Leaders and Planners
Resiliency and Sustainability Leaders
Housing Development and Finance Professionals
Nonprofit and Philanthropy Changemakers
People who believe change is needed and possible
How to use this report:
- Read each section to build your knowledge
- Apply the report concepts to your decision-making processes
- Share the report with your colleagues and network
- Expand your knowledge - join a Vienna Social Housing Field Study
Where should I begin?
- I’m new to social housing, and I want to learn more
- When did social housing start in Vienna, and why?
- How are mixed-income housing solutions administered & maintained?
- What recent changes will affect affordable housing financing in LA?
- I agree social housing makes sense, but how are residents supported?
- What takeaways from Vienna are most applicable to the LA region?